202 North Avenue East, Cranford, NJ 07016

New Patients: (908) 214-7120
Existing Patients: (908) 276-2724
A woman in a dental chair, smiling at the camera.

Crown Lengthening

A woman in a dental chair, smiling at the camera.

Crown lengthening is a common procedure that is routinely performed to re-contour gum tissue and bone, as needed, with the intent of making more tooth structure available for the placement of a dental crown or dental bridge. This is often the case when a tooth is decayed or otherwise damaged below the gum line.

Alternatively, a crown lengthening procedure can also be performed for reasons that are purely aesthetic to reduce the appearance of a “gummy smile” when too much of the gums and far too little tooth structure is displayed when smiling. It can be performed on a single tooth to make the gum line appear even with the other teeth or on several teeth to improve a smile’s overall appearance

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Schedule your appointment online or give us a call to get started today.

BriteSmile Dental 202 North Avenue East, Cranford, NJ 07016
The image shows a blue letter  P  with a white background, presented in a distorted perspective that makes it appear as though the letter is bending or warping.
Clinic parking lot located behind the building.